The MediSpin Advantage

VIVOLTA’s MediSpinTM production platform offers unrivalled quality, consistency, and high-volume manufacturing of electrospun medical products.

Thanks to its fully automated, modular design, the MediSpinTM can be optimized to fulfil the design requirements of each client’s specific electrospun product. 

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  • High-volume production system for the global commercialization of  medical electrospun products

  • Up to 100x higher throughput versus alternative systems

  • Rigorous control of all crucial electrospinning process parameters to ensure product quality and optimize yield

  • Global automation to eliminate operator influence and optimize efficiency

  • Wafer-based production – not roll-to-roll – for the highest quality product with lowest scrap rate

  • In-line QC sensors guarantee mesh quality and decrease manufacturing cost

  • Compatible with ASTM F3510-21 standard to ensure regulatory compliance, which VIVOLTA co-authored

  • IP protected by 7 patent families for differentiated innovation versus the competition

  • Mesh constructs currently available; tubular constructs (valves, stents) coming soon

Medical electrospinning illustration.

How can VIVOLTA support your development or manufacturing project with best-in-class medical electrospinning services?

A scientist using an electrospinning machine.

VIVOLTA combines deep application development experience with materials science to support your new and existing product development.